Sunday, November 8, 2015

Time and time again…..

I can write essays and weave poetry around the spontaneity of childhood. I can do even better and preach the value of innocent open mindedness. I even took a whole course on cultivating a beginners mind. And yet, forgive me for becoming set in my ways!

As I climb each rung on the ladder of life, I find myself cemented to my adopted values. Intentionally and without regret I have set aside the romantic version of an ageless, childlike adult and replaced her with a sleep valuing, routine nurturing, time-centric grown woman.

I wish I could tell you that I’m disappointed with myself! But I’m not!

Suddenly, the expansive summer vacation with nothing to do, the thrill of discovering myself in the world, the energy to party hop, to stand in long lines and bustle through engaging crowds, the joy of meeting countless people, the ability to ear-mark an activity for ‘later’, the beauty of exploring the endless aisles of a new grocery store, they have all left me.

They have left, leaving me with a brand new set of choices to make - what is worth my time, to whom do I give it, which movie, what experience, which book, what person, who deserves my minutes.   

This is in no way suggestive of a well-managed and flawless life! Life by its very definition is unmanageable and control free. So, of course the faucet will leak, the dishwasher will break down, an accident on the road will delay you, snow will cancel school, a sprained ankle will keep you from running and so on.

And yet in those splendid moments when life whispers her waiver and permits some planning I desire to bring in my own preference.

So pardon me my failure to oblige, forgive me my failed promises, absolve me of my guilt, clear my name, I request you. So that those tulips can be planted, that novel can be written, that child of mine can describe to me her dreams, that parent receive my care, that painting be painted, that meal be cooked and that friend who has stayed despite me, receive with devotion, every precious remaining moment.

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