Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cerulean Blue and Cadmium Orange!

I could talk picturesquely with the complimentary colors of cerulean blue and cadmium orange dripping down against the lifting and dropping light and shadow of life, but it would simply be impotent! Sometimes even with all the tenderness of your affectionate heart overflowing generously you cannot make sense of the world. You cannot convince affected youth of the folly in their plan to cleanse the world in the name of religion. You cannot influence comical leaders to understand the utter ineffectiveness of their hollow threats and promises. You cannot convince grieving parents besides infant coffins that their suffering bears a hidden purpose.

On one such morning, making eggs and toasting waffles, taking the trash out and washing dishes, staring endlessly at the yard that pleads to be raked, coming face to face, head on and with no where to hide, of the inconsequence of my heart felt need for peace in a world that rejects it constantly, unable to feel the pain that I feel anymore, I wore the mask of boredom. The ennui, that makes me dis-interested in release of any kind and prevents my heart from feeling!

Days such as these are stroked with disconnect and tedium! It’s the dash in between the dots of the binary universe!

Legends have their purpose and role, even if we are bereft of heroes in the real world, we permit them their exuberant lives in the myths of our imagination. Who is to say that stories are stories and the thick bandage of words cannot heal our wounds?

It is nighttime already and I’m still saddened by the acute threats of putting out life in every form all around the world! My inconsequence, impotence, inability and impermanence are all put under the microscopic view of my heart that refuses to change the slide somehow!

This is when it helps to have a mind that can imagine, imagine not only fantasy but fantasy that is based on the truth! I recollect the mythology of a seemingly immortal demon!

‘Basmasura’, an evil demon was granted a boon after years and years of penance and prayers. He asked that he be granted the power to turn to ashes anything that he places his hand upon. Armed with such a weapon, he went around the world destroying life in his greed for destruction. One of the Gods, dressed as an enchanting woman, lured him in with her lust filled advances. Please bear in mind that the lure of a woman is not a label against women in general but a label against ‘unbridled desire’ of any kind!

Anyway, with the intent of winning over the love of this heavenly creature, Basmasura, agreed to dance with her and imitate each and every one of her dance moves. So they danced and they danced and they danced, and in the end when she carelessly struck a pose with her hand on her head, he followed placing his own destructive hand upon his head and turned himself into a pile of ashes! Beautiful!

A masterpiece of legendary mythology, age old and timeless, tested and narrated, just so that we know that evil will ultimately unleash its wrath on itself bringing an end to its sorry marriage with fear and destruction!

I smiled brightly! The world was fully capable of taking care of itself and all that was needed of me was to simply do what I do best – tending and caring for the life around me! And sometimes annoying those I love to extract simple pleasures!

I feel free of nauseating worry and tedium this morning! The darkness has passed and I can color my day with cerulean blue and cadmium orange to the fullest content of everything standing for freedom!

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