Saturday, August 8, 2015

What is enough?

“Now let’s establish the intention to be present “, on hearing these words from my dear teacher, I let go of my meandering mind and become present to the practice. Some 45 minutes later, after stretching, meditating and relaxing I leave this yoga class rejuvenated.

On my drive back I’m more courteous to drivers while merging into traffic, I enjoy the ongoing drama of the clouds in the sky, I recognize the shift of light and color in the woods, I am attentive to the pebbles and purple flowers at street corners and generally I feel more deeply alive and connected.

Its not just yoga! It’s the company of delightful women who are compassionate and caring that makes this experience special. Very often I’m amongst the first to arrive and as I spread out my mat and stretch, I feel my own willingness to let-go. In here I know I will be cared for and all my vulnerabilities will be tolerated. This is a place of safety. This is a place where I’m enough just as I am.

My life on the outside seems to be bombarded with news of rude leaders with microscopic minds hogging the limelight with their loud and often ignorant voices, accomplished scientists, actors and authors professing the use of drugs and aids to boost performance, double their IQ’s and triple their concentration! While others make macabre predictions on the outcome of pollution, artificial intelligence and alien life along with prices of commodities, local thefts and drunk teenagers.

Unfortunately at times I get sucked into the herd!  The news makes me feel like I have somehow missed the bus on living fully. And most importantly that what I am and what I have is not enough!

 These thoughts do not make me mindful and present. In fact they make my mind anxious and fearful which in turn makes me faithless and shallow.

In a world that capitalizes on human fears and anxieties, blatantly categorizes a whole nation and a whole community based on loud-mouthed rhetoric, promotes religious propaganda while invading our very faith in life, what I need most is a few moments of quiet in the company of kindred souls.

For this is when I choose whom I pay attention to and whom I choose to shutout. This is where I determine who fosters my wellbeing and who capitalizes on my fears. This is where I define what is ‘enough’ because I may miss out on living trying to be ‘more’.

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